Reiki — universal life energy

Reiki is a Japanese energy healing practice that can create balance and wholeness on a physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual level. Reiki is sacred energy that is channeled by the practitioner to the recipient, and it flows to where it is needed to provide healing at the source of an issue or a place of imbalance. Even though the practitioner is channeling Reiki, it is the recipient’s own body that heals itself as energy returns to a natural flow.

A Reiki session can be helpful if you're looking for general relaxation and stress relief, and this energy can also support you in finding reconnection, clarity, insight, and integration. Reiki also complements any medical or mental health care you may be receiving, providing a more holistic approach to healing.

I offer 60 minute Reiki sessions as well as 90 minute massage & Reiki sessions. These tend to consist of a 60 minute massage followed by 30 minutes of Reiki, but I check in about how much time you would like for each.

I also offer 30-minute Reiki sessions each month on the day of the new moon.

In a session

During a Reiki session, people often say they feel relaxed and settled, as well as sensations like warmth, coolness, tingling, and vibration. Some people feel energy shifts or experience visual or intuitive messages.

Reiki sessions can take place in person as well as remotely. For in-person sessions, the practitioner places their hands on or slightly above the client’s body and holds these positions gently for a few minutes at a time. For distance sessions, the recipient can receive the energy in the comfort of their own space.

In an energy healing session with me, we will start by checking in about any intentions you have for the time. Then you can lay fully clothed on the massage table and I’ll begin the session. Afterwards, we will discuss your experience and I can share any impressions that I may have received.

While a Reiki session is usually gentle and supportive, sometimes there may be deeper emotions or memories that come up. I aim to have a trauma-informed practice and to hold space for what might surface for you in a session.

Reiki accountability

I initially received training in Usui Reiki which originated in the 1920s, but energy healing has a much longer history in Japan. I have come to understand that my introduction to Reiki was through a colonized and culturally-appropriated framework that is not fully rooted in the Japanese cultural context that it comes from. I have a lot of gratitude for Marika Clymer, whose offerings — especially her Decolonize Reiki course — have shifted and contextualized my understanding of Reiki and my relationship to it.

Reiki was my introduction to energy healing and I’m grateful that I began to explore energy work when I did. That being said, I am a white practitioner who is not directly connected to the practice’s culture of origin. I am committed to critically analyzing Western understandings of Reiki and working toward a place of greater integrity and connection to the roots of the practice.

As part of that work, I participated in the Sacred Witness Immersion with Zel Amanzi. This six-month course was an anticolonial community approach to developing a personal, embodied relationship with sacred energy. During the immersion, I examined what an authentic energy work practice looks like to me and I learned how to be in the ongoing process of dismantling oppression in my practice. I shared reflections on the course on instagram.

Ember Bodywork Cleo Hyzy